Documentary filmmaking has long been a medium for truth-telling, where viewers expect an authentic depiction of real events. However, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in media production has introduced new ethical and legal dilemmas, particularly when it comes to the alteration of imagery. The Netflix documentary “What Jennifer Did” provides a stark example of these challenges, allegedly utilizing AI-generated or manipulated images in its recounting of Jennifer Pan’s notorious case.

Overview of the Case and Documentary Presentation

Jennifer Pan, at 24, orchestrated a murder-for-hire plot against her parents in their Toronto home in 2010, resulting in the death of her mother and the wounding of her father, who survived. Her chilling story was adapted into the Netflix series “What Jennifer Did,” drawing viewers and critics alike. However, the series has come under scrutiny not for its narrative content but for its visual authenticity.

Suspected AI Manipulation in “What Jennifer Did”

The controversy centers on several images of Jennifer Pan depicted in the documentary. These images show her at various social events, dressed in a red outfit and ostensibly enjoying herself. However, on closer examination, these images display numerous anomalies typical of AI manipulations, such as disproportionate body parts and unnatural facial features. Critics have pointed out issues such as an unnaturally long tooth, misshapen ears, and poorly rendered hands that betray the use of AI.

The Filmmakers’ Stance and Public Reaction

One of the documentary’s producers, Jeremy Grimaldi, has denied using AI to alter images, stating that traditional photo editing tools were used to anonymize backgrounds for privacy reasons. However, this explanation has not addressed the full range of alterations evident in the images, leaving viewers and critics with unresolved questions about the extent and nature of image manipulation in the documentary.

Legal Implications of Using AI-Generated Images

The use of AI-generated images in documentaries, such as those highlighted in “What Jennifer Did,” presents a multitude of legal concerns. Primary among these is the risk of misleading viewers due to the inauthentic portrayal of events, which can be considered deceptive under some consumer protection laws.

Additionally, such practices might not only breach the ethical standards set by broadcasting authorities but could also impact the perceived authenticity of the documentary itself. The integration of AI into these visuals blurs the line between fact and fabrication, leading to potential legal ramifications including challenges related to copyright, viewer deception, and the violation of ethical norms in journalistic integrity​.

Ethical Considerations and Filmmaker Responsibility

The ethical use of AI in media production hinges on transparency and intent. The documentary’s producers, by potentially using AI-enhanced imagery without clear disclosure, might be seen as having manipulated viewers’ perceptions. This practice could undermine trust in documentary filmmakers, who are often expected to be objective observers of real events.

Moreover, ethical guidelines in journalism and documentary filmmaking usually mandate that any alteration of documentary content be clearly disclosed to the audience. This standard helps maintain the credibility of the medium and respects the viewer’s right to be fully informed about the nature of the content they are viewing.


The case of “What Jennifer Did” highlights the complex interplay between new technologies like AI and the foundational principles of documentary filmmaking. While AI offers powerful tools for enhancing visual media, its use in documentaries must be balanced with a commitment to ethical standards and legal requirements. Transparency becomes not just a best practice but a necessity to preserve the trust between filmmakers and their audiences. As documentary filmmaking evolves, so too must the guidelines that ensure its integrity as a source of truthful, reliable information.

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